Day Home Parents Survey

Day Home Parents Survey Form 2023-2024

Please take a few minutes to finish the Day Home Parents Survey. We appreciate your time, your feedback can helps our educators and angency getting better.

"*" indicates required fields

Educator's Name*
Parent's Name*
Children's name*

Is the educator

Presents themself to parents as pleasant and approachable*
Always prepared for the day?*
Maintains a positive and professional attitude with parents?*
Discuss and resolves concerns with parents?*
Accepts positive criticism and suggestions?*
Supervises the children at all times as is appropriate?*
Treats children with dignity and respect?*
Chooses and offers appropriate activities for the children*

Please describe:

How satisfied are you with the day home services provided?*
Are you satisfied with the cleanliness and safety measures in the day home environment?*
How do you feel your child's emotional and social needs are being met at the day home?*
How satisfied are you with the variety and quality of activities provided for your child?*

Thank you for your time! We appreciate your feedbacks, as it will be very helpful to the agency and our educators.